
I just happened upon a very interesting site called lifestream. I found it via a blog called YBMT which I found via another blog called A Generous Orthodoxy. I have been studying and discussing the atonement on some of the email lists I belong to and through a series of clicks (which is how God so often leads me to something) I found an audio teaching that fit perfectly with the perspective I have of the cross. Wayne....ah....ah.....can't remember his last name......has a series called Transitions...and one of the teachings is called "The Cross - Cure Not Punishment" It really nailed a lot of my questions of the cross. I have never bought into the penal substitution crap...but still the why's and the actual workings of the cross have eluded me....until this teaching, coupled with the other things I have read and God has shown me, helped more of a complete understanding click. Although his site and the sister yahoo group seems slanted toward a group that has left the mainstream church because of very bad experiences with it, which is not my issue, but there is great stuff there for everyone.

About this blog....

I have many devotionals hanging out on various bookshelves, in baskets sitting here and there, in drawers and cupboards and piled on the nightstand beside my bed. What a waste not to read and comment....