While I was leafing through some of the devotionals in the bookcase, I picked up "A Year With CS Lewis" a devotional purchased with a Borders' gift card several years ago....a gift from Beth and Emily. The entry for September 6th seems to go right along with what I posted about yesterday. He begins the quote by talking about the claim of God and the claim of culture...and how the claim of God is "infinite and inexorable." Yet we live in an everyday world, don't we? He goes on to explain:
.....it is clear that Christianity does not exclude any of the ordinary human activities. St. Paul tells people to get on with their jobs. He even assumes that Christians may go to dinner parties, and, what is more, dinner parties given by pagans. Our Lord attends a wedding and provides miraculous wine. Under the aegis of His Church, and in the most Christian ages, learning and the arts flourish. The solution of this paradox is of course well known to you. "Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
All our merely natural activities will be accepted, if they are offered to God, even the humblest, and all of them, even the noblest, will be sinful if they are not. Christianity does not simply replace our natural life and substitute a new one; it is rather a new organisation which exploits, to its own supernatural ends, these natural materials. - from "Learning in War-Time" (The Weight of Glory)
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